May 17, 2010

Well, the trip is offically over. We returned the truck yesterday and did grocery shopping for the week and now I'm doing laundry and cleaning the house up some.

We zipped back into town on Saturday after a really nice visit with my Grandmother, mother, sister and cousin. My Grammie made some fantastic fried chicken and potato salad. I love her potato salad. We checked out her garden and visited with another cousin over the back fence. I miss living in a small town like that and getting to be with my family on a regular basis. When I lived there I lived across the street and a couple of doors down from my grandmother and my uncle lived directly across the street from her. And my mom and sister lived less then three miles away. Living in the Sacramento area is really nice too but I miss being that close to my family.

After we got back home on Saturday we quickly stopped by the library and picked up my library books that I'd requested before we left on vacation. I three waiting for me when I got home which was great since I'd finished my last one while we were gone and the other book I'd brought with me I'd already read. Sadly, I already finished two of the books and it's only Monday! I finished I am Legend and Life as we Knew It. Both were good books but really quick reads. I am Legend is nothing like the movie. There are a few similarities but they are pretty few and far between. I actually like the movie better which is weird for me since I always like the book better. I'm going to read Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters next. I've been waiting months for this book to become available. Can't wait.

Because I already devoured two of the books I went on line last night and requested about 7 more books. Most of them already have hold requests on them and I'm pretty far down the line to be able to get them. I might have to make an actually trek to the library and go through the stacks. Some times it sucks being such a quick reader.

I didn't knit at all on the trip. I read both flights. I'm currently working on a pair of socks that I did take with me but I'm thinking about ripping out what I've done on them and using a different needle size. I'm worried that this yarn isn't going to stretch much and I won't be able to get them on! Ugh. That would suck! I'm starting to get low on sock yarn so I really need to get back to my other projects. My Thermal has just been neglected so badly and I'm almost done with it. I also need to get started on the sweater that my mom requested for Christmas since it's almost June! So much to do so little time. Guess I better get back to it!

Happy Monday everyone!

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