January 29, 2012

Consumnes River Preserve

Yesterday morning, I was supposed to get up early and get some time with my camera. But due to a pukey cat and dogs that insisted on getting up at 4 and 4:30 am respectively, and a late night the night before I didn't get out as early as I wanted for sunrise pictures.

So about 11am, Hubbs and I went down to the preserve. I'm still learning the ins and outs of my new Nikon so here's a few pictures...

Egrets are among my favorite birds and this guy was the only one at the preserve.

This picture took my breath away when I pulled it off the card after we got home. It looks like a postcard. He's so beautiful.

Ginger Teal

A Coot

We're not sure what kind of ducks these guys were but they had spoon shaped bills and Hubbs thinks they're Spoonies. No matter what they are, they were so beautiful. We also saw lots of geese and Pintale ducks.

We enjoy the preserve a lot and in the summer and fall do a lot of walking in the evenings here. This was the first time we've ever gone during the day. We only spent an hour but it was a good way to spend a beautiful and warm Saturday morning in January.

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