Rain? In June? Really? But this is California, we don't get rain in June. But we did, we got enough to partially flood the parking lot at Hubbs' work yesterday. It was amazing.
I love the rain. I love to run in the rain. But did I get to run in the rain yesterday? Nope. I ran in the morning before it rained. Do I sound bitter? I totally am. I love running in the rain but I figured the rain was going to miss us so I ran in the morning. I went up to the park in Elk Grove and ran the track around the park. It's 1. 44 miles and shaded. Not to mention the park is beautiful and where Hubbs and I got married 5 years ago.
I'm working on finishing up week 8 of Couch to 5k. Week 8 is run for 28 minuets without stopping. And I did. And it was great. It was slow but it was great. I was averaging about a 10 minuet mile. Like I've said before I'm never going to win a land speed record or beat a Kenyan but it's mine and I own it.
I have one more run for week 8 and then week 9, the last week. Week 9 is run for 30 minuets without stopping. I'm not scared at all. That's only 2 minuets longer then I'm already running. No biggie what so ever. I'm planning to finish week 8 today. Get that last run in. It's supposed to be cooler today, only 78 degrees. But the weather forecast is predicting 106 by Saturday...ugh. Too hot...way too hot. The only way I see getting in runs is getting up at like 5am to run. On a weekend, 5am.
I don't normally run back to back. I like a rest day in between but I have to take advantage of the weather. Tomorrow's high is going to be 92. That's not that hot but chances are I'll have to wait until 7 or 8 to get my run in. With all the rain yesterday, I'm wondering how humid my run tonight will be. My goal has been to finish up week 8 by the end of June...no time like the present to get it done.
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