February 17, 2010

Today's Victory brought to you by Weight Loss!

Several times last year I tried to get back on the band wagon with my weight loss. There were many attempts and many failures. But as of the first of the year, I was back on track and have been doing great. I'm down about 5 pounds so far, with less then 10 to go. But that's not today's victory. Today's victory is that my white blouse no longer gaps in between my boobs anymore! It stays closed!!! I'm so excited!!!

(Sorry for the bad pic) See the arrow? No gap!!! So excited! And I noticed that my skirt wasn't as tight today as it was a few weeks ago. Hubbs and I have committed to walking the dogs 4 days a week for 45 min's each time. This is our first week and its scheduled to start raining on Friday so we're trying to get it all in before the rain. Next month I'm going to challenge myself to 1,000 minuets of fitness for the month of March. I hope I can do it!


Thimbleanna said...

Congratulations, that's great!

Becky said...

Congratulations on your weight loss, Lisa! It is never easy, and always a struggle to maintain! I am on a weight loss journey too, having gained 80 pounds goind through menopause these past four years. I've started jogging 4-5 miles every other day, and cross country skiing. I wish you luck and success!
Love & Light~
OM girl
P.S. I listen to Fat2FitRadio.com podcast on my iPod for motivation! It's great!