I set myself a goal at the beginning of 2011 to read 100 books. I actually read 103. I posted almost all of them here but then I got lost in craziness that I posted about yesterday. But I did meet my goal and actually exceeded my goal. 103 books. 37,621 pages. That’s a lot of reading. Honestly I didn’t think I would make my goal, 100 books is a lot of reading.
I set a goal of 100 books again for 2012. I got a Kindle Touch for Christmas from my mom and a $25 Amazon gift card from my sister so I’ve been buying and downloading books into my kindle. I can also borrow Kindle books from the library but there aren’t that many available so I’m on the waiting list for a few of them. I will of course still be reading good old fashioned paper books too. As fast as I read, I can’t afford to be purchasing books all the time from Amazon. Not that the prices are outrageous or anything but it’s still hard to pay $9.99 for an e-book that I read once and most likely won’t ever read again.
I know that it’s only the 4th of January but I finished 3 books already. I spent most of Sunday just hanging out at home and reading. Work has been so crazy that I really needed some down time to try and recharge my batteries before I start my Half Marathon Training again. Christmas day I purchased 11/22/63 by Stephen King and I finished it on New Year’s day. I also had purchased Fighting to Survive, As the World Dies, Book 2 by Rhiannon Frater. I read the whole thing on New Year’s day. Honestly, I never got dressed. Just hung out all day in my jammies and read. It was beautiful. I’ll have reviews on these books coming up.
In addition to reading 100 books in 2011, I had 8 goals for myself. Sadly I didn’t accomplish that many of them.
1. Finish Valpuri (done), Central Park Hoodie, Girl Friday (done) & Vintage Knee Socks (done).
I didn’t finish Central Park Hoodie. I didn’t even try to finish it. I just need to redo the sleeves and it would be done. Honestly, I’m thinking about frogging it and never going back to it. I just don’t know what I want to do with it. So languish it does.
2. Complete at least two of my WIPs (listed in #1) before starting any new projects. (done)
This one I did do. I finished everything but Central Park Hoodie before I started new projects.
3. Read 50 of the books on the list of Best Post-Apocalyptic Books on Goodreads.com (done)
Done and then some!
4. Finish the Christmas Quilt Wall Hanging.
Nope, still in the state it was last January. I don’t think I sewed a stitch on this.
5. Learn Stranded Color Work.
Not a chance. Didn’t even attempt this one. I really didn’t do that much knitting all year.
6. Knit 2 pairs of socks from Around the World in Knitted Socks for Gram. (done)
This one I did do! Yay! Sort of. I knit one pair for her and one pair for me but I still knit 2 pairs of socks from this book.
7. Make 4 quilt tops from the November Shop Hop.
Nope, not done. I did one top and almost got it quilted but not the others. Like knitting, I didn’t do much sewing in 2011. All my project mojo went into my running.
8. Have no more than 4 WIPs at any one time.
I did pretty good on this one for most of the year but then I lost it as I lost interest in the projects I was working on and just cast on for new things.
My 2011 Goals are still posted to the right. I’m not sure if I’m going to set any goals for myself for 2012. Usually I have all my goals planned out before the end of the year but this year the end came so fast that I didn’t really have much time to dedicate to thinking about goals. I was just trying to survive the end of the year. I do have my 100 book goal again and to run my Half Marathon goal. But other than that…not much has been planned. My goals are going to be fluid this year. They can drift and change as the year progresses.
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