March 19, 2011

Larch, progress has been made...

I ended up doing short rows on the right side of the back, doing a three needle bind off for the right side, then binding off 41 stitches for the neck and then doing the short rows on the left side and doing a three needle bind off to complete the back. I know that's not what the designer had in mind but it's what I did. I'm sure when it's done, no one will know the difference.
So after I finished the back, I cast on for the first sleeve. Once again, I don't get it. You cast on and work back and forth and then end up working in the round. The cuff then needs to be seamed up. Doesn't really make sense to me. But since I realized that I screwed up the cuff after I joined the sleeve to work in the round, I'm going to rip the whole thing out and work it in the round to begin with.
I have to admit with all the stockinette on this sweater is pretty boring. I find myself wishing this sweater was over with. But honestly, I think part of that is that I'm using such fine yarn, it takes a long time to get any kind of growth on this sweater. I'm hoping that now that the body is done and I just have sleeves and the collar to go, it will go much faster. Part of me wants this done because it's so cute and I can't wait to wear it and part of me wants it done just so it's done.

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